Hello Everyone, I'm looking for two volunteers to take part in a symposium at ESA to discuss whether mining and energy companies belong at ESA. Specifically, I'm looking for two individuals who believe that mining and energy do NOT belong at ESA, but who are willing to participate in a friendly debate about it. The other participants in the symposium would be myself, I'm a consultant, and someone from an energy company that does primarily oil and gas. Ideally, we would each give a short talk discussing our positions, and then open it to discussion within the panel and with the audience.
Obviously, the symposium deadline is Friday, so I'd need a couple of volunteers today or tomorrow. Please email me directly if you are interested. Please note that this symposium has the potential to get heated and we will all be responsible for following ESA behavior and safety guidelines, so please only volunteer if you are confident you can keep a cool head and have a friendly debate! Thanks! Lis Lis Castillo Nelis PhD Principal, Ecology and Biodiversity Pronouns: she/her D +1 206-336-1659 M +1 773-209-9818 lne...@ramboll.com<mailto:lne...@ramboll.com> _________________________________ Ramboll 901 Fifth Avenue Suite 2820 Seattle, WA 98164 USA https://ramboll.com<https://ramboll.com/?utm_source=tfyesm-email-US&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=email-signature> [cid:image001.png@01DB35B0.59F423D0]<https://www.ramboll.com/lets-close-the-gap/biodiversity> Classification: Confidential To unsubscribe from this list please go to https://community.esa.org/confirm/?u=RhPWqPxFwODKvbkiT32nkIqRrsiSgulp