A quick note, folks-though activity over the past day says that you definitely noticed-to make sure you're aware that ECOLOG-L on Simplelists is now fully active. Please continue to use ecolog-l@community.esa.org<mailto:ecolog-l@community.esa.org> to message the list, and access the archive: https://community.esa.org/ecolog-l/ (get an access code for the archive, good for 3 months on the same browser).
For all intents and purposes, the previous platform is now closed since the domain has migrated to our Simplelists product. We will be bringing the membership community on Discourse online over the next week. Jonathan Miller Director of Membership and Communications Ecological Society of America j...@esa.org<mailto:j...@esa.org> 202-833-8773 ext. 236 [cid:image003.png@01DB2475.4A1B0560]<https://www.esa.org/membership>ESA members enjoy incredible benefits- journal access, career development, publishing discounts, a network of thousands and so much more-Join today!<https://eservices.esa.org/> To unsubscribe from this list please go to https://community.esa.org/confirm/?u=RhPWqPxFwODKvbkiT32nkIqRrsiSgulp