On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 4:10 AM, Tomasz Figa <tomasz.figa at gmail.com> wrote:
> I would mostly agree with you if we were discussing SoC-internal
> components here. Mostly, because the ARM world is more complex and you
> can see the same IP across completely different SoCs from different
> vendors.
> However, the topic here is about external devices, outside the SoC, such
> as different kind of bridges, like the PTN3460 eDP to LVDS bridge, which
> are likely to be reused across different platforms. Similar thing is with
> using different bridges on different boards using the same SoC platform.
> I don't think having an abstraction here would be any overabstraction at
> all. Anything less would be a huge "underabstraction" in fact.

I think no one is arguing that we don't eventually need some better
abstraction.  But as long as it is one-bridge and one-user, if the
patches otherwise have merit, add functionality that was missing
before and don't regress, then lack of infrastructure to match up
bridge and driver isn't something I will care about too much yet.
Things are allowed to be in-progress.  A missing abstraction for a 1:1
relationship is fine.

Now as we start getting a few more bridge devices and users, then I'll
start blocking patches until some sort of generic bridge loader is
sorted out.


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