On Fri, Nov 29, 2013 at 10:10 AM, Tomasz Figa <tomasz.figa at gmail.com> wrote:
> I would mostly agree with you if we were discussing SoC-internal
> components here. Mostly, because the ARM world is more complex and you
> can see the same IP across completely different SoCs from different
> vendors.

Yeah, hence the restriction to IP blocks from the same vendor. Heck we
have external IP blocks in our gpus, too. It's just that the driver to
make that one work is in no shape for upstreaming :( So even for that
case of smashing a random decode engine into your gpu we've seen this
on intel. And I'd guess the radeon uvd block is a similarly alien
piece (although at least not shared anywhere else iirc).

> However, the topic here is about external devices, outside the SoC, such
> as different kind of bridges, like the PTN3460 eDP to LVDS bridge, which
> are likely to be reused across different platforms. Similar thing is with
> using different bridges on different boards using the same SoC platform.
> I don't think having an abstraction here would be any overabstraction at
> all. Anything less would be a huge "underabstraction" in fact.

Hm, I've thought Sean's rework was mostly about the driver core and
not so much about off-chip blocks. But I admit to not have read
through all the details of this thread, so please forgive me my
ignorance ;-)

Cheers, Daniel
Daniel Vetter
Software Engineer, Intel Corporation
+41 (0) 79 365 57 48 - http://blog.ffwll.ch

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