On Mon, Jun 4, 2012 at 12:29 PM, Lauri Kasanen <cand at gmx.com> wrote:
> On Mon, 04 Jun 2012 18:18:10 +0200
> Christian K?nig <deathsimple at vodafone.de> wrote:
>> > My experience is that things that are true today for GPU, are not
>> > tomorrow. Yes there will still be clock/voltage, but there could be
>> > new complete different things, like shutting down block.
>> >
>> > I am not even mentioning things like complex value range dependency
>> > btw things (for instance if a domain as clock/voltage in certain range
>> > than some other domain can only have clock in a restricted range
>> > value).
>> >
>> > While i agree that sysfs looks easy for user to play with, i believe
>> > that gui is what you really after and afaik closed source driver all
>> > expose a gui for their power management. Using ioctl allow better
>> > overall control, like atomic setting of several domain ...
>> Yeah, I think Jerome is right here.
>> The internals like different voltage areas, dependencies of clocks,
>> possible powered down chip areas, etc are very complex and actually
>> completely unteresting to the end user. Also the general direction of
>> AMD hardware is going to a complete self containing system, e.g. the
>> chip is handling mostly everything on its own.
>> I agree that this is better done in a hardware dependent ioctl and then
>> abstracted in userspace instead of pushing the whole abstraction into
>> the kernel.
> Hi
> As long as the info is made available better than it is currently, I'm all 
> for it.
> Though with the direction of ioctl and folks, it is deep outside my 
> expertise. With a deep solution like that someone who knows the area well 
> would need to do it.
> - Lauri
My dream here is to talk with the gnome folks to have them make some
kind GPU module we could write and that would show in control center.
I just need to corner some of my gnome coworker to work something out.
So if you were using nouveau you would a nouveau specific control
center entry where there could be nouveau specific information (clock
voltage) and control. Same for radeon, intel ...


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