>>> On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 5:47 PM, Dave Airlie <airlied at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> > On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 5:41 PM, Andy Whitcroft <apw at canonical.com> 
>>> > wrote:
>>> >> On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 05:30:03PM +0100, Dave Airlie wrote:
>>> >>> On Thu, Apr 19, 2012 at 5:22 PM, Andy Whitcroft <apw at canonical.com> 
>>> >>> wrote:
>>> >>> > We have been carrying a (rather poor) patch for an issue we 
>>> >>> > identified in
>>> >>> > the DRM driver. ?This issue is triggered when a DRM device is 
>>> >>> > initialising
>>> >>> > and userspace attempts to open it, typically in response to the sysfs
>>> >>> > device added event. ?Basically we allocate the minor numbers making
>>> >>> > the device available, and then call the drm load callback. ?Until this
>>> >>> > completes the device is really not ready and these early opens 
>>> >>> > typically
>>> >>> > lead to oopses.
>>> >>> >
>>> >>> > We have been using the following patch to avoid this by marking the 
>>> >>> > minors
>>> >>> > as in error until the load method has completed. ?This avoids the 
>>> >>> > early
>>> >>> > open by simply erroring out the opens with EAGAIN. ?Obviously we 
>>> >>> > should
>>> >>> > be delaying the open until the load method complete.
>>> >>> >
>>> >>> > I include the existing patch for completness (it is not really ready 
>>> >>> > for
>>> >>> > merging) to illustrate the issue. ?I think it is logical that the wait
>>> >>> > should simply be delayed until the load has completed. ?I am proposing
>>> >>> > to include a wait queue associated with the idr cache for the drm 
>>> >>> > minors
>>> >>> > which we can use to allow open callers to wait_event_interruptible() 
>>> >>> > on.
>>> >>> > I'll be putting together a prototype shortly and will follow up with 
>>> >>> > it.
>>> >>> >
>>> >>> > Thoughts?
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Couldn't we just delay registering things until the driver is ready to
>>> >>> accept an open?
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Granted the midlayer of drm doesn't make that easy,
>>> >>
>>> >> It seems that we need the dri minor allocated before we hit the load
>>> >> function as things are done right now.
>>> >>
>>> >>> thanks for sending this out, it keeps falling off my radar, I don't
>>> >>> think I've ever seen this reported on RHEL/Fedora, which makes me
>>> >>> wonder what we are doing that makes us lucky.
>>> >>
>>> >> We never hit it until we started doing things earlier and quicker. ?I 
>>> >> first
>>> >> found it in the prettification of boot so we were keen to get plymouth
>>> >> running as soon as possible. ?That lead to random panics and me finding
>>> >> this bug. ?The window is tiny as far as I know and it tends to be 
>>> >> specific
>>> >> machines and specific package combinations which trigger it reliably.
>>> >>
>>> >> I suspect that a proper fix would allow delaying the registration as you
>>> >> suggest but in the interim a wait would at least avoid the issues we are
>>> >> seeing. ?I will see how awful it looks.
>>> >
>>> > Just to confirm its the drm_sysfs_device_add that causes the race we care 
>>> > about.
>>> >
>>> > it needs to happen after the driver is happy. Since it calls
>>> > device_register and that is what triggers udev magic to load the
>>> > userspace.
>>> >
>>> > If you have a userspace app banging on a static device node that might
>>> > need another set of fun fixes.
>>> Okay the sysfs add and the idr_replace are the things we need to delay.
>> Since you can still get at things with a static node, it seems like
>> locking is the real issue here? ?Is there no mutex we can take across
>> init to block any openers until we're done?
> well the idr replace should be the thing that matters, since before
> that openers get -ENODEV, after it they end up success.
> we may need a lock around that once we fix the logic.\
Here's my predinner hack, contains random rtl change as well, plz ignore.

now for dinner.

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