Hello to both of you, Tim and Mika,

sorry that I step in so late, but after I've read that Tim's laptop didn't have PCIe atomics (is it realy PCIe 2.xx?) I have some hints, too. Question: Is PCIe 3.xx+ needed together with Thunderbold 3 or is PCIe 2.xx enaugth (like Tim's laptop)?

If Tim's laptop is realy only PCIe 2.xx (_without_ atomics) like mine 'old' Intel Xeon X3470 (3400 Series Chipset) _without_ atomics you/we only have the option running Clover or AMD-pro's OpenCL. ROCm isn't an option with Polaris (20/RX580, here), currently. But we had some questions about AMD (Polaris) running as eGPU on one of our lists (mesa-devel / dri-devel / amd-gfx), lately.

I've CC'ed Alex.

Have a look here (ROCm 2.2), too:


Am 14.03.2019 19:36, schrieb Timur Kristóf:
On Thu, 2019-03-14 at 20:17 +0200, Mika Westerberg wrote:
> > > Here is the output of 'lspci -vv':
> > > https://pastebin.com/Qt5RUFVc
> >
> > The root port (1c.4) says this:
> >
> >       DevCap2: Completion Timeout: Range ABC, TimeoutDis+, LTR+,
> > OBFF
> > Not Supported ARIFwd+
> >          AtomicOpsCap: Routing- 32bit- 64bit- 128bitCAS-
> >
> > Not knowing much about AtomicOps but to me this looks like the
> > root
> > port
> > does not support the feature.
> What kind of output should lspci show if the feature were
> supported?

The AMD card has this:

         DevCap2: Completion Timeout: Not Supported, TimeoutDis-,
LTR+, OBFF Not Supported
                      AtomicOpsCap: 32bit+ 64bit+ 128bitCAS-

so I would expect something similar on the root port side as
pci_enable_atomic_ops_to_root() fails otherwise with mask of
AMD driver requests.

> As far as I understand the root port is integrated in the CPU, or
> in
> the chipset maybe? It says it's a Sunrise Point-LP, and I googled
> it
> but was unable to find a spec sheet.

You can find it here:


Pages 845-826 show the DEVCAP2 register for the 1c.4 (D28/F4) and it
does not seem to have AtomicOps caps set.

This would be the 8th gen (8550U) but I assume it has similar
capabilities to the 6th gen. So, it seems that this is a hardware
limitation of the chipset.

Thanks Mika for clearing that up.

Best regards,
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