>> Do other identifiers fit better to a specification from the document 
>> "CodingStyle"
>> like the following?
>> "…
>> Choose label names which say what the goto does or why the goto exists.
>> …"
>> Does this wording need any more adjustments?
> No.

I have got an other impression.

The terse description can trigger disagreements about the "what" and "why",
can't it?

> I wrote that and "restart" seems like a pretty clear name to me.

This identifier might be good enough to some degree.
I imagined that it would become better by the addition of a bit of information
from the jump target.

> I never wrote that you should harrass people with your nonsense patches.

This is true in principle.

But your adjustment for the document "CodingStyle" supported also a 
of the corresponding identifier selection.

Some developers disagreed with a proposed renaming while others reacted
in a positive way.

> In fact, I have asked you over and over again to stop.

This happened under different software update contexts occasionally.


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