

On 11/7/2016 8:56 PM, Emil Velikov wrote:
> On 7 November 2016 at 07:43, Sharma, Shashank <shashank.sharma at> 
> wrote:
>> If I was not very clear for the first time, every time we send a patch to
>> drm-intel/dri-devel, we do basic testing on Gnome-desktop too (Not only
>> Android).
>> So even these aspect ratio patches were tested with full gnome-desktop, and
>> it worked well.
> I guess the part that's not so obvious is that Linux
> desktop/distributions provide a very wide permutation of components
> and configs used. While on a local (test) setup only a small/limited
> set is available. Esp. on Android where things are _very_ tightly
> coupled.
I agree, Emil.
I was only mentioning my testing with Gnome, to confirm that intel-ddx 
is not broken with Gnome desktop.
And I was testing on both Android as well as X.
> Obviously nobody likes when we have to carry kernel patches which
> workaround "broken" userspace, but it's a kernel policy and we all
> have to live with it. That's the main reason people are so
> careful/pedantic when it comes to UABI. And as you can see even then
> there are bits that we miss :'-(
I agree, again. But I was thinking if reverting the patch was the best 
way, else it would be impossible to
add something new in the kernel. I hope experts like you and others can 
suggest the right way.
> Regards,
> Emil

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