This is a combination of g2d_copy_with_scale and g2d_scale.
It is a pretty common operation to scale one buffer and then
blend it on top of another, so provide a direct way to that

Signed-off-by: Tobias Jakobi <tjakobi at>
 exynos/exynos_fimg2d.c | 129 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 exynos/fimg2d.h        |   5 ++
 2 files changed, 134 insertions(+)

diff --git a/exynos/exynos_fimg2d.c b/exynos/exynos_fimg2d.c
index df18a08..88e0ee6 100644
--- a/exynos/exynos_fimg2d.c
+++ b/exynos/exynos_fimg2d.c
@@ -645,3 +645,132 @@ g2d_blend(struct g2d_context *ctx, struct g2d_image *src,
        return 0;

+ * g2d_scale_and_blend - apply scaling to source buffer and then blend to 
destination buffer
+ *
+ * @ctx: a pointer to g2d_context structure.
+ * @src: a pointer to g2d_image structure including image and buffer
+ *     information to source.
+ * @dst: a pointer to g2d_image structure including image and buffer
+ *     information to destination.
+ * @src_x: x start position to source buffer.
+ * @src_y: y start position to source buffer.
+ * @src_w: width value to source buffer.
+ * @src_h: height value to source buffer.
+ * @dst_x: x start position to destination buffer.
+ * @dst_y: y start position to destination buffer.
+ * @dst_w: width value to destination buffer.
+ * @dst_h: height value to destination buffer.
+ * @op: blend operation type.
+ */
+drm_public int
+g2d_scale_and_blend(struct g2d_context *ctx, struct g2d_image *src,
+               struct g2d_image *dst, unsigned int src_x, unsigned int src_y,
+               unsigned int src_w, unsigned int src_h, unsigned int dst_x,
+               unsigned int dst_y, unsigned int dst_w, unsigned int dst_h,
+               enum e_g2d_op op)
+       union g2d_point_val pt;
+       union g2d_bitblt_cmd_val bitblt;
+       union g2d_blend_func_val blend;
+       unsigned int scale;
+       unsigned int scale_x, scale_y;
+       bitblt.val = 0;
+       blend.val = 0;
+       if (op == G2D_OP_SRC || op == G2D_OP_CLEAR)
+               g2d_add_cmd(ctx, DST_SELECT_REG, G2D_SELECT_MODE_BGCOLOR);
+       else
+               g2d_add_cmd(ctx, DST_SELECT_REG, G2D_SELECT_MODE_NORMAL);
+       g2d_add_cmd(ctx, DST_COLOR_MODE_REG, dst->color_mode);
+       if (dst->buf_type == G2D_IMGBUF_USERPTR)
+               g2d_add_cmd(ctx, DST_BASE_ADDR_REG | G2D_BUF_USERPTR,
+                               (unsigned long)&dst->user_ptr[0]);
+       else
+               g2d_add_cmd(ctx, DST_BASE_ADDR_REG, dst->bo[0]);
+       g2d_add_cmd(ctx, DST_STRIDE_REG, dst->stride);
+       g2d_add_cmd(ctx, SRC_SELECT_REG, src->select_mode);
+       g2d_add_cmd(ctx, SRC_COLOR_MODE_REG, src->color_mode);
+       switch (src->select_mode) {
+       case G2D_SELECT_MODE_NORMAL:
+               if (src->buf_type == G2D_IMGBUF_USERPTR)
+                       g2d_add_cmd(ctx, SRC_BASE_ADDR_REG | G2D_BUF_USERPTR,
+                                       (unsigned long)&src->user_ptr[0]);
+               else
+                       g2d_add_cmd(ctx, SRC_BASE_ADDR_REG, src->bo[0]);
+               g2d_add_cmd(ctx, SRC_STRIDE_REG, src->stride);
+               break;
+               g2d_add_cmd(ctx, FG_COLOR_REG, src->color);
+               break;
+               g2d_add_cmd(ctx, BG_COLOR_REG, src->color);
+               break;
+       default:
+               fprintf(stderr , "failed to set src.\n");
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       if (src_w == dst_w && src_h == dst_h)
+               scale = 0;
+       else {
+               scale = 1;
+               scale_x = g2d_get_scaling(src_w, dst_w);
+               scale_y = g2d_get_scaling(src_h, dst_h);
+       }
+       if (src_x + src_w > src->width)
+               src_w = src->width - src_x;
+       if (src_y + src_h > src->height)
+               src_h = src->height - src_y;
+       if (dst_x + dst_w > dst->width)
+               dst_w = dst->width - dst_x;
+       if (dst_y + dst_h > dst->height)
+               dst_h = dst->height - dst_y;
+       if (src_w <= 0 || src_h <= 0 || dst_w <= 0 || dst_h <= 0) {
+               fprintf(stderr, "invalid width or height.\n");
+               g2d_reset(ctx);
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       if (scale) {
+               g2d_add_cmd(ctx, SRC_SCALE_CTRL_REG, G2D_SCALE_MODE_BILINEAR);
+               g2d_add_cmd(ctx, SRC_XSCALE_REG, scale_x);
+               g2d_add_cmd(ctx, SRC_YSCALE_REG, scale_y);
+       }
+       blend.val = g2d_get_blend_op(op);
+       g2d_add_cmd(ctx, BITBLT_COMMAND_REG, bitblt.val);
+       g2d_add_cmd(ctx, BLEND_FUNCTION_REG, blend.val);
+       pt.val = 0;
+ = src_x;
+ = src_y;
+       g2d_add_cmd(ctx, SRC_LEFT_TOP_REG, pt.val);
+       pt.val = 0;
+ = src_x + src_w;
+ = src_y + src_h;
+       g2d_add_cmd(ctx, SRC_RIGHT_BOTTOM_REG, pt.val);
+       pt.val = 0;
+ = dst_x;
+ = dst_y;
+       g2d_add_cmd(ctx, DST_LEFT_TOP_REG, pt.val);
+       pt.val = 0;
+ = dst_x + dst_w;
+ = dst_y + dst_h;
+       g2d_add_cmd(ctx, DST_RIGHT_BOTTOM_REG, pt.val);
+       g2d_flush(ctx);
+       return 0;
diff --git a/exynos/fimg2d.h b/exynos/fimg2d.h
index 8e0321c..bd116cf 100644
--- a/exynos/fimg2d.h
+++ b/exynos/fimg2d.h
@@ -320,4 +320,9 @@ int g2d_blend(struct g2d_context *ctx, struct g2d_image 
                struct g2d_image *dst, unsigned int src_x,
                unsigned int src_y, unsigned int dst_x, unsigned int dst_y,
                unsigned int w, unsigned int h, enum e_g2d_op op);
+int g2d_scale_and_blend(struct g2d_context *ctx, struct g2d_image *src,
+               struct g2d_image *dst, unsigned int src_x, unsigned int src_y,
+               unsigned int src_w, unsigned int src_h, unsigned int dst_x,
+               unsigned int dst_y, unsigned int dst_w, unsigned int dst_h,
+               enum e_g2d_op op);
 #endif /* _FIMG2D_H_ */

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