> On 11/21/2024 6:07 AM MST Jan Naumann via dovecot <dovecot@dovecot.org> wrote:
> On 20.11.24 23:49, Joseph Tam via dovecot wrote:
> > I just did this for my alpine mail reader, and it's not so simple.  It may
> > be simpler to use a mail reader that has XOAUTH2 built in, then connect to
> > both Gmail and your mail account, then drag and drop all your mailboxes.
> > 
> > If you want to do it the hard way,  the document for alpine might be
> > useful for a single Gmail account, at least to set up the Gmail end.
> > 
> >      https://alpineapp.email/alpine/alpine-info/misc/ 
> > xoauth2.html#SettingUpGmail
> > 
> > After that, you have to do some rigamrole to use these IDs to create
> > the credentials you can use for IMAP authentication.

I encourage people that are interested in making OAUTH universally available 
for email protocols (without pre-registration) for all clients and servers to 
join/follow the MAILMAINT IETF working group: 

In particular, this document on OAUTH public profiles: 

There's also a second required autoconfig component, although the proposals 
currently posted are a bit outdated.  (We are planning on moving forward with a 
much reduced version of 
https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-mailmaint-autoconfig/ , although it 
generally is the concept being looked at).

In short, in the (hopefully) very near future, you will be able to open a mail 
application, enter your email address as "setup", and then be presented with 
the auth screen of your local OAUTH provider.

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