> Op 21 okt. 2022 om 19:42 heeft Brendan Braybrook <bren...@tucows.com> het 
> volgende geschreven:
> On 2022-10-21 04:29, spi wrote:
>>> Am 21.10.22 um 13:14 schrieb Amol Kulkarni:
>>> Nginx has an mail proxy for pop, imap, smtp.
>>> Can it be used instead of director ?
>> Nginx can authenticate imap/smtp (and probably pop3) users. If you that, you 
>> can define a backend server the session is routed to. Currently I use that 
>> approach to authenticate users by client certificates and route them to the 
>> appriopriate backend (well, I only have one ;-).
> we've recently switched to director, but we used to use nginx for this as 
> well (we started using nginx before director existed). if you load balance 
> the nginx proxies themselves, you can easily handle hundreds of thousands of 
> concurrent imap connections with them.
> in debian/ubuntu, i don't think the nginx packages include the mail proxy 
> bits. iirc, we had to compile nginx ourselves with the mail proxy bits 
> included.
> the nginx config is pretty simple, you have to pre-specifiy the capabilities 
> for each protocol and set up some sort of way for nginx to auth and get which 
> backend node to send to as spi notes (in this example, it's an http call):
> mail {
>  auth_http localhost:8080/cgi-bin/auth;
>  proxy_pass_error_message on;
>  pop3_capabilities "TOP" "UIDL" "RESP-CODES" "PIPELINING" "AUTH-RESP-CODE" 
>  server {
>    listen   110;
>    protocol pop3;
>    proxy    on;
>  }
>  imap_capabilities "IMAP4rev1" "LITERAL+" "SASL-IR" "LOGIN-REFERRALS" "IDLE";
>  server {
>    listen   143;
>    protocol imap;
>    proxy    on;
>  }
> }
> localhost:8080/cgi-bin/auth then just auths the user/pass that nginx gets 
> from the incoming request and returns success and the next hop for nginx to 
> proxy to.
> the only real difficulty is that you then need to write your own state system 
> into your cgi auth script to ensure that users get sent to the same backend 
> imap server if they already have an existing connection and have some way to 
> safely fail over to other backend imap servers should one go down. (it's nice 
> to have director handle this state stuff for you)

Although Director does not do health checks and down servers automatically. I 
was working on an open source program for that (as an alternative to Dovemon), 
but that plan is canceled with this announcement :)

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