Nginx is an excellent suggestion for the purpose. However I do not like German client certificates. That is far too much "proof" of identification 18/21++ on a public network with nowhere to hide and those of us who are not German citizens and do not have the advantage of a friendly local police jurisdiction with massive international clout and an assumed legitimacy for all the online surveillance, policing, and copping with unfounded sex charges etc. being pressed online.

Not that I care much for alcohol, but the analogy that comes to mind with such "proof" of identity presented across the internet as a public certificate is that of "public drunkenness," versus, say, "drinking privately in one's quarters," i.e., making an encrypted connection, and only then within the encrypted channel establishing identity and authorization with a username and password or other means of authentication.

On Friday, October 21, 2022 3:29:36 AM AKDT, spi wrote:
Am 21.10.22 um 13:14 schrieb Amol Kulkarni:
Nginx has an mail proxy for pop, imap, smtp.
Can it be used instead of director ?

Nginx can authenticate imap/smtp (and probably pop3) users. If you that,
you can define a backend server the session is routed to. Currently I
use that approach to authenticate users by client certificates and route
them to the appriopriate backend (well, I only have one ;-).


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