Hello József,

thanks for your super-fast response.

Kadlecsik József <kadlecsik.joz...@wigner.mta.hu> (Mi 25 Okt 2017 13:28:22 
> > sa...@example.com, using the credentials of the very own account (say 
> > h...@example.com)?
> We faced the same problem and solved it with a PAM module:
> The users must use the username "groupusername*realusername" and the

Yes, this follows the maser-user idea. Great.
I'm curious if the master user mechanism isn't usable.
Maybe it is, I'll check this.

> - dovecot POP/IMAP server
> - vsfptd FTP server
> Addendum: for dovecot, add "*" to the allowed username chars to 
> auth_username_chars in /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-auth.conf.

I think, it's there already for the master user mechanism.
I'll send a follow-up on how I solved it, if I do not get any further input.

    Best regards from Dresden/Germany
    Viele Grüße aus Dresden
    Heiko Schlittermann
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