Thomas Leuxner <> (Mi 25 Okt 2017 13:11:52 CEST):
> * Heiko Schlittermann <> 2017.10.25 12:58:
> wouldn't this be a use case for acl_groups, where a user would belong to 
> group "Sales" and this "role" would gain specific access?

Not sure. Because userA wants to "impersonate" as userB. In Thunderbird
this is associated with an per-account set of options (Sent folder, sync
policy, identites used for sending, etc pp).

Using ACLs I can access that other mailbox, but that's it.
I still have to take care about my identity when sending mails, and any
mail sent is not stored in userB's folders, but in mine.

    Best regards from Dresden/Germany
    Viele Grüße aus Dresden
    Heiko Schlittermann
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