On 07/27/2017 05:19 AM, James Brown wrote:

On 26 Jul 2017, at 7:57 pm, Olaf Hopp <olaf.h...@kit.edu> wrote:

Dear collegues,

many thanks for your valuable input.

Since we are an university GEO-IP blocking is not an option for us.
Somestimes I think it should ;-)

My "mistake" was that I had just *one* fail2ban filter for both cases:
"wrong password" and "unknown user".

Now I have two distinct jails:
The first one just for "wrong password" and here the findtime, bantime, retries
are tolerant to typos.

And I have a new one just for "unknown user" and here my bantime and findtime
are much bigger and the retries are just '2'. So here I'm much harsher.
I'll keep an eye on my logs and maybe some more twaeking is necessary.

Another interesting observation:
I activated
auth_verbose_passwords = plain
to log the plain password when (and only when) there is "unknown user".
It reveals that all different IPs trying one unknown account always try with the
same stupid password scheme <ACCOUNT>1234. So this doesn't look very well
coordinated between the bots ;-)

Olaf, how do you do this only for the unknown user?

Can you share the Dovecot settings?

I’m under the same sort of slow distributed attack.

Also the two fail2ban jails would be helpful.

Nothing special in the dovecot config



enabled = true
filter  = dovecot
action  = iptables-multiport[name=dovecot, 
port="pop3,pop3s,imap,imaps,submission,465,sieve", protocol=tcp]
logpath = /var/log/dovecot
bantime = 600
findtime= 600
maxretry= 5
backend = auto


ignoreip = X.X.X.0/24
enabled = true
filter  = dovecot_unknown
action  = iptables-multiport[name=dovecot_unknown, 
port="pop3,pop3s,imap,imaps,submission,465,sieve", protocol=tcp]
logpath = /var/log/dovecot
bantime = 14400
findtime= 14400
maxretry= 2
backend = auto


before = common.conf

failregex =  dovecot: auth-worker\(\d+\): pam\(.*,<HOST>,\<.*\>\): 
pam_authenticate\(\) failed: Authentication failure \(password mismatch\?\)
ignoreregex =


before = common.conf

failregex =  dovecot: auth-worker\(\d+\): pam\(.*,<HOST>,\<.*\>\): unknown 
ignoreregex =

The failregex lines may need adaption to your log format.
"fail2ban-regex" is your friend.

On my Dovecot 2.2.31 unknows user log lines are
     Jul 26 14:58:56 irams1 dovecot: auth-worker(2822): 
pam(inikul,,<TcVzAjhVMINwNl0i>): unknown user (given password: 

and "wrong password" lines look like this
     Jul 26 15:01:41 irams1 dovecot: auth-worker(3530): 
pam(johndoe,,<r+xPDDhVGJh40aR2>): pam_authenticate() failed: 
Authentication failure (password mismatch?)

Regards, Olaf
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)
ATIS - Abt. Technische Infrastruktur, Fakultät für Informatik

Dipl.-Geophys. Olaf Hopp
- Leitung IT-Dienste -

Am Fasanengarten 5, Gebäude 50.34, Raum 009
76131 Karlsruhe
Telefon: +49 721 608-43973
Fax: +49 721 608-46699
E-Mail: olaf.h...@kit.edu


KIT – Die Forschungsuniversität in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft

Das KIT ist seit 2010 als familiengerechte Hochschule zertifiziert.

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