On 2017-03-10 23:28, MRob wrote:
On 2017-03-10 23:22, Christian Kivalo wrote:
Am 11. März 2017 08:04:28 MEZ schrieb MRob <mro...@insiberia.net>:

We have a need for some users to have an additional folder created
subscribed for them.

Is is possible to return an override for the default "namespace
containing the needed mailbox definitions in the userdb lookup for
such users? If so, how would the userdb lookup result be formatted?
Presumably as

Yes, see here:


Each setting ist one "Extra Field"

just one long string, but how would the setting be named given there

can't be a space in it? Can I replace the space with an underscore,

userdb_namespace_inbox = '{ mailbox Drafts { auto=subscribe
special_use = \Drafts } mailbox Trash { auto=subscribe special_use =

\Trash } }'

sort of:


see also:


Unfortunately, I'm having trouble with this task.

Dovecot 2.2.27

Trying to have an "Important" folder get created and subscribed for
some users. When I put this into my dovecot config file it works as
needed (other folders omitted for brevity):

namespace inbox {
 mailbox Trash {
  special_use = \Trash
 mailbox Important {

But I don't want to do it globally, so put it into the userdb lookup:

SELECT .... 'subscribe' AS 'namespace/inbox/mailbox/Important/auto' ...


I confirmed that the correct query is executing and I know it works
because other userdb fields are populated correctly. But the folder
not get created. For passdb lookups:

SELECT .... 'subscribe' AS
'userdb_namespace/inbox/mailbox/Important/auto' ... WHERE ...

I'd appreciate help/tips.
Whats the output of doveadm user <username> ?

Oh I did not know this doveadm command, thank you!

Output included all my other userdb fields as well as this:

namespace/inbox/mailbox/Important/auto     subscribe

In other words, I think it's configured correctly, so I hope someone can help me understand why it does not auto-create this folder when logging in.

I know it's the weekend, maybe someone sees this on Monday morning. Thank you.

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