Am 11. März 2017 08:04:28 MEZ schrieb MRob <>:
>>> We have a need for some users to have an additional folder created
>>> subscribed for them.
>>> Is is possible to return an override for the default "namespace
>>> containing the needed mailbox definitions in the userdb lookup for 
>>> such users? If so, how would the userdb lookup result be formatted? 
>>> Presumably as
>> Yes, see here:
>> Each setting ist one "Extra Field"
>>> just one long string, but how would the setting be named given there
>>> can't be a space in it? Can I replace the space with an underscore, 
>>> e.g.
>>> userdb_namespace_inbox = '{ mailbox Drafts { auto=subscribe 
>>> special_use = \Drafts } mailbox Trash { auto=subscribe special_use =
>>> \Trash } }'
>> sort of:
>> userdb_namespace/inbox/mailbox/Drafts/auto=subscribe
>> see also:
>Unfortunately, I'm having trouble with this task.
>Dovecot 2.2.27
>Trying to have an "Important" folder get created and subscribed for
>some users. When I put this into my dovecot config file it works as 
>needed (other folders omitted for brevity):
>namespace inbox {
>  mailbox Trash {
>   auto=subscribe
>   special_use = \Trash
>  }
>  mailbox Important {
>   auto=subscribe
>  }
>But I don't want to do it globally, so put it into the userdb lookup:
>SELECT .... 'subscribe' AS 'namespace/inbox/mailbox/Important/auto' ...
>WHERE ...
>I confirmed that the correct query is executing and I know it works 
>because other userdb fields are populated correctly. But the folder
>not get created. For passdb lookups:
>SELECT .... 'subscribe' AS 
>'userdb_namespace/inbox/mailbox/Important/auto' ... WHERE ...
>I'd appreciate help/tips.
Whats the output of doveadm user <username> ?

Christian Kivalo

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