
[Steffen Kaiser] - [2016-07-26 09:05]
>> Could it be that I need to offer more login processes or that I should
>> raise some of my configuration values? The mail_max_userip_connections
>> does not seem to solve the problem.

> usually you get some warning in the logs, if such limit is reached.

I changed some parameters in the imap-login service and the problem
seems to be gone - at least I have not received any error message in
three days.

Following the examples on http://wiki.dovecot.org/LoginProcess I changed
10-master.conf to

service imap-login {
  service_count = 0
  #client_limit = $default_client_limit
  process_min_avail = 8
  vsz_limit = 256M

I think that these parameters are very generous and I would rather like
to stick to "high security" than to "high performance". What would be
your recommendations? Would it suffice to try to set service_count back
to 1? Also I did not touch the client_limit, as I did not understand the
formula "Default client_limit * process_limit = 1000*100 = 100k
connections" given on the wiki page.

Any suggestions are welcome and highly appreciated.

Cheers,                        \\|//
Vince                          (o o)
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