
[Vince42] - [2016-07-22 00:19]
> I am running a dovecot server and have set up an external monitoring,
> where every five minutes a login with SSL on port 993 is done. I usually
> get once a day an error "connection reset by peer - SSL connect", which
> goes away until the next monitor is executed.
> Initially I thought that raising the mail_max_userip_connections in
> protocol imap in 20-imap.conf to 256 should do the trick - but the error
> stays.
> What could be the reason for this error and which configuration values
> could be changed in order to avoid this error?
> I read a lot of different suggestions - but did not find a plausible
> explanation and recommendation.

Anybody? Sorry for bumping this thread ... but I am really desperately
looking for some configuration issues to scrutinize ...

Cheers,                        \\|//
Vince                          (o o)
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