On 18/07/16 11:46, Stephan Bosch wrote:
> Op 16-7-2016 om 18:12 schreef Charles Marcus:
>> On July 16, 2016 4:02:33 AM EDT, Spyros Tsiolis <sts...@yahoo.co.uk>
>> wrote:
>>> Since I have quite some experiece with thunderbird, I know most of
>>> its shortcomings
>> Care to elaborate? Thunderbird is far from perfect, but is by far the
>> best IMAP client available.
>> Most times you can work around supposed short comings (if what you
>> think are short comings actually are, often they are not)...
> I agree. I haven't seen anything better so far. Still, with my 100+
> folders it regularly hangs for a few seconds while it is presumably
> doing stuff in the background. So, for example composing a message is
> often a frustrating activity. This is enough reason for me to look for
> an alternative client, but there is no real alternative...

Known problem. Sort of a indexing thundering herd problem.

Preferences -> Advanced -> Config Editor, set  mail.db.idlelimit to a
large number. I set it to 30000000. Fixed it for me..


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