Hello all,

For some years now, I've been using Thunderbird for dovecot.
I am not very satisfied with t/b so I thought of using m/s outlook 
but then I thought that I want to distance my clients from office

I have a newly created dovecot installation on a very small site.
Three nodes, all x86 Windows 7 professional with an ubuntu v14.04
server (x86 again) running dovecot 1.2.17.

The clients there use dovecot as an imap server, so they have a 
real-world e-mail account each and whatever they want to keep , they
store by gradding-and-dropping to the imap (local / archive) account.

Since I have quite some experiece with thunderbird, I know most of
its shortcomings; So I thought if there's an alternative (better?)
imap mail client for x86 windows 7 systems than t/b.

Even better if there's an alternative client that is also supporeted under
linux .

Any ideas are welcome,



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