Am 14.01.2015 um 02:40 schrieb Robert Blayzor:
On Jan 13, 2015, at 8:30 PM, Reindl Harald <> wrote:

so what you want in your OP is just DISCARD in a sieve script and there is no point in 
"Using Dovecot LMTP it would be more optimal to kick a 5xx back" when the 
desired result is DISCARD

why do you want the burden of keep the SMTP session with the client open until 
the mail is finally stored? that don't scale!

Sieve is all about policy

no - it is about *filter* mails

A 5xx reject would let the sending server know the message could not be 
delivered due a failure

which belongs in the MTA and not the LDA

(ie: user policy rejection, without receiving MTA generating NDR backscatter).
I would rather not just accept it and the message disappear into ether without
the sender receiving any notification of why.

hence you reject messages on MTA level before LMTP is called because taht happens in case of sender based filters in the envelope-level and in case of subject filters at least before the mailbody

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