This is interesting; I'm not sure if I got that right from scanning
the READMEs. Do I really need to have a working OSX-server setup
which I then do migrate away from? What makes this certificate that
special such that I only can export it from the existing server


Am 05.09.2014 um 03:35 schrieb Stefan Arentz <>:

> I’ve been hacking on a personal side project to support native iOS Push Email 
> in Dovecot. This is specifically for people who are migrating their mail away 
> from OS X Server while keeping their existing Push Email functionality.
> Native Push Email has some great advantages: it speeds up email notifications 
> (usually within seconds of being handled by dovecot-lda) and it improves 
> battery life since the native notifications flow over a single highly 
> optimized connection to Apple’s infrastructure.
> Although this is at version 0.1, it is working pretty well for me and I am 
> looking for some additional testers that are interested.
>       Please note that it is not possible to use this project without legally 
> running a copy
>       of OS X Server. You can purchase OS X Server on the Mac App Store or 
> download
>       it for free if you are a registered Mac or iOS developer.
> This feature is enabled by two projects:
> <>
> <>
> Both projects contain a README that describes how to get things going. I have 
> only developed and tested on Ubuntu 12.04.5 so ideally you run the same 
> version if you are interested in playing with this project.
> You will need to compile some code and not be afraid of a little admin work.
> I am also interested in a code review. The Dovecot plugin API is barely 
> documented and I had to guess a lot of things by looking at other plugins. An 
> extra pair of eyes specifically on that code would be awesome. Also from a 
> security perspective.
> Please file bugs!
> S.

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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