I’ve been hacking on a personal side project to support native iOS Push Email in Dovecot. This is specifically for people who are migrating their mail away from OS X Server while keeping their existing Push Email functionality.
Native Push Email has some great advantages: it speeds up email notifications (usually within seconds of being handled by dovecot-lda) and it improves battery life since the native notifications flow over a single highly optimized connection to Apple’s infrastructure. Although this is at version 0.1, it is working pretty well for me and I am looking for some additional testers that are interested. Please note that it is not possible to use this project without legally running a copy of OS X Server. You can purchase OS X Server on the Mac App Store or download it for free if you are a registered Mac or iOS developer. This feature is enabled by two projects: https://github.com/st3fan/dovecot-xaps-plugin <https://github.com/st3fan/dovecot-xaps-plugin> https://github.com/st3fan/dovecot-xaps-daemon <https://github.com/st3fan/dovecot-xaps-daemon> Both projects contain a README that describes how to get things going. I have only developed and tested on Ubuntu 12.04.5 so ideally you run the same version if you are interested in playing with this project. You will need to compile some code and not be afraid of a little admin work. I am also interested in a code review. The Dovecot plugin API is barely documented and I had to guess a lot of things by looking at other plugins. An extra pair of eyes specifically on that code would be awesome. Also from a security perspective. Please file bugs! S.