On Fri, 10 Jan 2014, Steffen Kaiser wrote:

sendmail -bv -d60.5 -d27.2 -d21.12  gcr+det...@badger.tharned.org

- -d60.5 - trace map lookups
- -d27.2 - traces processing of aliases and forwards
- -d21.12 - trace R line processing

IMHO: If all map lookups return NOTFOUND, the detail is preserved, otherwise it is the duty of the map to preserve the detail.

If I read the traces (attached) correctly, the +detail makes it unscathed through the maps, aliases, and rule sets. If that's the case, it would indicate that the problem is with sendmail's LMTP code. Do you concur?

Greg Rivers

Attachment: bv.log.xz
Description: sendmail -bv trace output

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