On Fri, 10 Jan 2014, Steffen Kaiser wrote:
try sendmail -bv -d60.5 -d27.2 -d21.12 gcr+det...@badger.tharned.org- -d60.5 - trace map lookups - -d27.2 - traces processing of aliases and forwards - -d21.12 - trace R line processingIMHO: If all map lookups return NOTFOUND, the detail is preserved, otherwise it is the duty of the map to preserve the detail.
If I read the traces (attached) correctly, the +detail makes it unscathed through the maps, aliases, and rule sets. If that's the case, it would indicate that the problem is with sendmail's LMTP code. Do you concur?
-- Greg Rivers
Description: sendmail -bv trace output