On Thu, 9 Jan 2014, Steffen Kaiser wrote:
On Tue, 7 Jan 2014, Greg Rivers wrote:


So for the archives, to get sieve's "envelope :detail ..." working with sendmail and dovecot LMTP, do the following:

1) Add "lda_original_recipient_header = X-Original-To" to 15-lda.conf

2) Add the following rule to sendmail.mc to add a X-Original-To: header to every message:

H?${u}?X-Original-To: $u

First: This won't work, if the message has two or more recipients, $u is empty then.

Right.  Miquel van Smoorenburg pointed that out too earlier in this thread.

Do you serialize messages per recipient?

Yes, to mitigate this issue, I plan to enforce one recipient per LMTP session with: define(`LOCAL_MAILER_MAXMSGS', `1'). This will result in adding "m=1" to the local mailer definition.

But I'd really rather have +detail passed via LMTP.

Second: My Debian sendmail v8.14.4 does pass +detail to LMTP.

Mlocal, P=[IPC], F=lsDFMAw5:/|@qPSXnz9, S=EnvFromSMTP/HdrFromL, R=EnvToL/HdrToL,
               A=FILE /var/run/dovecot2.2/lmtp

looks like just:

FEATURE(`local_lmtp',`[IPC]',`FILE /var/run/dovecot2.2/lmtp')dnl

of my mc-file effects it.

Now this is a really useful data point!  I have exactly the same
configuration on FreeBSD running sendmail v8.14.7:

FEATURE(`local_lmtp',`[IPC]',`FILE /var/run/dovecot/lmtp')

Mlocal,         P=[IPC], F=lsDFMAw5:/|@qPSXmnz9, S=EnvFromSMTP/HdrFromL, 
                A=FILE /var/run/dovecot/lmtp

The use of forwarding, aliases or virtuser table might strip the detail, you need to do explicitly preserve the +detail with those. Retry with a recipient without any rewriting and from the local host.

echo TEST | sendmail -v recpient+det...@yourdomain.tld

Received: from ux-2s11.inf.fh-bonn-rhein-sieg.de
by ux-2s11.inf.fh-bonn-rhein-sieg.de (Dovecot) with LMTP id aC4NEHRMzlK7dgAALie3fw
   for <uid+detail>; Thu, 09 Jan 2014 08:15:00 +0100

I'm not using any aliases or virtuser table in my tests, yet my sendmail DOES NOT pass +detail to LMTP:

$ echo TEST | sendmail -v gcr+det...@badger.tharned.org
gcr+det...@badger.tharned.org... Connecting to [] via relay...
220 badger.tharned.org ESMTP Sendmail 8.14.7/8.14.7; Thu, 9 Jan 2014 16:19:46 
-0600 (CST)
EHLO badger.tharned.org
250-badger.tharned.org Hello localhost [], pleased to meet you
250 HELP
250 2.0.0 Verbose mode
MAIL From:<g...@badger.tharned.org> SIZE=5
250 2.1.0 <g...@badger.tharned.org>... Sender ok
RCPT To:<gcr+det...@badger.tharned.org>
250 2.1.5 <gcr+det...@badger.tharned.org>... Recipient ok
354 Enter mail, end with "." on a line by itself
050 <gcr+det...@badger.tharned.org>... Connecting to /var/run/dovecot/lmtp via 
050 220 badger.tharned.org Dovecot ready.
050 >>> LHLO badger.tharned.org
050 250-badger.tharned.org
050 250-8BITMIME
050 >>> MAIL From:<g...@badger.tharned.org>
050 250 2.1.0 OK
050 >>> RCPT To:<gcr>
050 >>> DATA
050 250 2.1.5 OK
050 354 OK
050 >>> .
050 250 2.0.0 <gcr> OD97EoIgz1L04QAAwQnkQQ Saved
050 <gcr+det...@badger.tharned.org>... Sent
250 2.0.0 s09MJkLK057843 Message accepted for delivery
gcr+det...@badger.tharned.org... Sent (s09MJkLK057843 Message accepted for 
Closing connection to []
221 2.0.0 badger.tharned.org closing connection

Return-Path: <g...@badger.tharned.org>
Delivered-To: <gcr>
Received: from badger.tharned.org
        by badger.tharned.org (Dovecot) with LMTP id OD97EoIgz1L04QAAwQnkQQ
        for <gcr>; Thu, 09 Jan 2014 16:19:46 -0600
Return-Path: <g...@badger.tharned.org>
Received: from badger.tharned.org (localhost [])
        by badger.tharned.org (8.14.7/8.14.7) with ESMTP id s09MJkLK057843
        for <gcr+det...@badger.tharned.org>; Thu, 9 Jan 2014 16:19:46 -0600 
        (envelope-from g...@badger.tharned.org)
Received: by badger.tharned.org (8.14.7/8.14.7/Submit) id s09MJjbI057842
        for gcr+det...@badger.tharned.org; Thu, 9 Jan 2014 16:19:45 -0600 (CST)
        (envelope-from gcr)
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2014 16:19:45 -0600 (CST)
From: Greg Rivers <g...@badger.tharned.org>
Message-Id: <201401092219.s09mjjbi057...@badger.tharned.org>
To: undisclosed-recipients:;


So I clearly have a sendmail problem. Maybe there's been a regression in sendmail since 8.14.4, or there's some other platform specific issue. This gives me something to go on; thanks a lot for your feedback!

Greg Rivers

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