On 25/10/2013 17:20, azurIt wrote:
Od: Noel Butler <noel.but...@ausics.net>
Komu: <dovecot@dovecot.org>
Dátum: 25.10.2013 00:42
Predmet: Re: [Dovecot] Strange output from LIST command
On 24/10/2013 23:48, azurIt wrote:
How am i suppose to know that my report was even noticed by any
This is NOT about patience.
of course it is, you report an alleged bug, now you wait until developer
notes, and attempts to reproduce it, and if he can commits a fix, else
he will tell you he can not reproduce it.
I do see your point about needing confirmation the report was made, its
why we use bugzilla, it would be beneficial if Timo did as well, but he
chooses not to, he did give a reason for this, but it was many many
years ago when he had more free time, now his time is scarce, one day he
may reconsider it, so in meantime you need to wait it out, hence,
patience. Dovecot does have a commercial side as Steffen alluded to, so
if your bug is debilitating your business, you could always engage the
commercial side of Dovecot, the fix which obviously is not affecting the
masses, would likely gain priority.