Am 02.08.2013 11:34, schrieb Nigel Smith:
>> Unfortunately you failed to provide 'dovecot -n' output which makes
>> assisting you much more difficult.  Providing this is standard operating
>> procedure.
> Sorry, but ....What on earth are you on about ?
> From the ***TOP*** of my original email :
> Dovecot :  2.0.19 (see config at
> Postfix :  2.9.6 (see config at
> The configs are right there.... for both postifx and dovecot.   
> I was being courteous by posting them on pastebin instead of pasting them 
> into an email which would become clutterd with lines of config !

thats fine *but* on mailing-lists you should paste the output *inline*

nobody likes to c&p things for quoting from whatever online
services nor is it useful in context of list-archives as well
as nobody right on his mind clicks on tiny-urls

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