>Unfortunately you failed to provide 'dovecot -n' output which makes >assisting you much more difficult. Providing this is standard operating >procedure.
Sorry, but ....What on earth are you on about ? From the man page " -n Dump non-default settings to stdout and exit successfully. The same as doveconf -n." From the ***TOP*** of my original email : Dovecot : 2.0.19 (see config at http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=KMaQ9Ccc) Postfix : 2.9.6 (see config at http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=EEeevHfk) The configs are right there.... for both postifx and dovecot. I was being courteous by posting them on pastebin instead of pasting them into an email which would become clutterd with lines of config !