The latest HG commits seem to have fixed some underlying problems with the 
'quota-status' service. Now doing some quick tests I wonder if this can be used 
with aliases on the Postfix side. Appears the 'check_policy_service' used in 
the example below will query existing users via Dovecot's Auth Backend:

This works fine for Dovecot user 'philo' where the mail is rejected upfront 
before it enters the queue:

==> /var/log/mail.log <==
Jul 30 13:41:18 spectre postfix/smtpd[31072]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from[]: 554 5.2.2 <>: Recipient address 
rejected: Quota exceeded (mailbox for use
r is full); from=<> to=<> proto=ESMTP 

Now user 'gunge' is an alias for 'philo' in Postfix, thus the quota check will 
not recognize the user, will queue the message and reject it at the MDA stage:

==> /var/log/mail.log <==
Jul 30 14:41:02 spectre postfix/lmtp[31460]: 3c4HSD5ZkBzBP: 
to=<>, orig_to=<>,[private/dovecot-lmtp], delay=1.2, 
delays=1.1/0.01/0/0.13, dsn=4.2.2, status=deferred (host[private/dovecot-lmtp] said: 452 4.2.2 <> 
Quota exceeded (mailbox for user is full) (in reply to end of DATA command))

This is probably intended behaviour, just want to make sure that I'm not 
missing a point here. For now the only fix that comes to my mind to create 
"quota aware" aliases - is creating 'dummy' users in Dovecot which point to the 
same mailbox rather than performing aliasing on the Postfix end. Open to 


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