Hi to all, sorry in advance for my poor english, this is the first time that i wrote to a list if i make mistake .... excuseme. My problem is this: i have dovecot 2.1.8 installed and functioning from 2 years one week ago i have installed crm114 for my last spam detection filter "version 20100106-BlameMichelson (TRE 0.8.0 (BSD))" My mail system is qmail that through .qmail default correctly tag with X-CRM114-Version: 20100106-BlameMichelson ( TRE 0.8.0 (BSD) ) MR-27CA1CFBX-CRM114-CacheID: sfid-20120927_105129_798028_B0035817 X-CRM114-Status: GOOD ( 28.64 ) headers
"Operation failed over folder 'UNSURE'. Server for account davide.mar...@mail.cgilfe.it said: [CANNOT] Failed to call crm114 binary.."
Did you see anything in syslog? If not, let's begin with the attached patch.
-- Eugene Paskevich | *==)----------- | Plug me into eug...@raptor.kiev.ua | -----------(==* | The Matrix
Description: Binary data