Hi to all, sorry in advance for my poor english, this is the first time that i wrote to a list if i make mistake .... excuseme. My problem is this: i have dovecot 2.1.8 installed and functioning from 2 years one week ago i have installed crm114 for my last spam detection filter "version 20100106-BlameMichelson (TRE 0.8.0 (BSD))" My mail system is qmail that through .qmail default correctly tag with X-CRM114-Version: 20100106-BlameMichelson ( TRE 0.8.0 (BSD) ) MR-27CA1CFB
X-CRM114-CacheID: sfid-20120927_105129_798028_B0035817
X-CRM114-Status: GOOD (  28.64  ) headers

dovecot.conf is as follow:

plugin {
  . . .
  antispam_signature = X-CRM114-CacheID
  antispam_verbose_debug = 1
  antispam_debug_target = stderr
  antispam_backend = crm114
  antispam_signature_missing = error
  antispam_trash = Trash
  antispam_spam = SPAM
  antispam_unsure = UNSURE
  antispam_crm_binary = /opt/crm114/mailreaver.crm
  antispam_crm_args = --fileprefix=/opt/crm114/
  . . .

protocol imap {
  . . .
  mail_plugin_dir = /usr/local/lib/dovecot
  mail_plugins = $mail_plugins quota imap_quota mail_log antispam
  . . .

I have a sieve default compiled script that automatically put mails in SPAM folder or UNSURE folder if respectively in message hedere there is the evaluation of crm114 (UNSURE or SPAM).

When i move mails incorrectly tagged by crm (for example from SPAM to my inbox or from UNSURE to SPAM) thunderbird (company official mail client ver 15.01) go in error with the following message:

"Operation failed over folder 'UNSURE'. Server for account davide.mar...@mail.cgilfe.it said: [CANNOT] Failed to call crm114 binary.."

I dont'know where is my mistake if someone can help me is much appreciated Thank you

*/Davide Marchi
/Teorema Ferrara Srl
/(Tel: /**/+39 0532 783161)/**/
(Fax: +/**/39 0532 783368/**/)/**//**/

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