On 7/26/2012 12:08 PM, Steven Haigh wrote:
On 25/07/2012 7:12 PM, Stephan Bosch wrote:

I'd just like to say a quick thanks to Stephan for his help.

I've built 2.1.8 using an updated .spec from the older ATRPMs src.rpm and also built 0.3.1 of dovecot-pigeonhole.

The Extensions section of the Server Sieve Capabilities shows editheader now as well as a couple of others. I've made the modifications using the example posted by Stephan earlier in this thread.

I'm wondering how the regex works. ie: I've used:
if header :regex "subject" "\\[SCIENTIFIC-LINUX-DEVEL\\] *(.*)"

Will this also match a subject of "Re: [SCIENTIFIC-LINUX-DEVEL] ...." as well?

I'm a bit unsure how the matching will work in this case.

Well, it will match in that case. But my example will also remove the 'Re:' prefix in that case: there is no '^' at the beginning of the regex, so the regex can match somewhere in the middle of the subject. You can adjust the regex to match a 'Re:' prefix (and whatever else you want to allow) and retain that in a match variable as well:

require ["fileinto", "editheader", "variables", "regex"];

if address "sender" "owner-scientific-linux-de...@listserv.fnal.gov" {
if header :regex "subject" "((Re|Fwd): *)\\[SCIENTIFIC-LINUX-DEVEL\\] *(.*)" {
    deleteheader "Subject";
    addheader "Subject" "${1}${3}";
   addheader "List-Post" "<mailto:scientific-linux-de...@fnal.gov>";

   fileinto "Mail List.SL-Devel";

Something like that.



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