On 7/25/2012 3:56 AM, Steven Haigh wrote:
Hi all,
I've just migrated my mail system from procmail to managesieve/sieve
and I'm having trouble trying to duplicate a could of rules I used to
use in my procmail config.
One particular rule would be this:
:0 Wfh
* ^Sender: owner-scientific-linux-de...@listserv.fnal.gov
| (sed -e '/^Subject:/ s/\[SCIENTIFIC-LINUX-DEVEL\] *//g'| sed
':a;N;$!ba;s/Precedence: list/Precedence: list\nList-Post:
:0 A
.Mail\ Lists.SL-Devel/
This in effect adds the header "List-Post:
<mailto:scientific-linux-de...@fnal.gov>" after "Precedence: list".
This allows me to use the Reply To List functionality in Thunderbird.
You'll need the editheader extension (meaning a fairly new Pigeonhole
require ["fileinto", "editheader", "variables", "regex"];
if address "sender" "owner-scientific-linux-de...@listserv.fnal.gov" {
if header :regex "subject" "\\[SCIENTIFIC-LINUX-DEVEL\\] *(.*)" {
deleteheader "Subject";
addheader "Subject" "${1}";
addheader "List-Post" "<mailto:scientific-linux-de...@fnal.gov>";
fileinto "Mail List.SL-Devel";
Another rule is:
:0 Wfh
* ^X-BeenThere: us...@lists.repoforge.org
| sed -e '/^Subject:/ s/\[users\] *//g'
:0 A
.Mail\ Lists.RPMForge/
This removes the [users] tag from the subject of each message to the
RPMForge / RepoForge mailing lists.
Is there a way to do this with sieve? Nothing I have seen seems to do
this - however I'm only a beginner in this area.
Please CC myself as well as the list. I'm not currently subscribed.
require ["fileinto", "editheader", "variables", "regex"];
if header "X-BeenThere" "us...@lists.repoforge.org" {
if header :regex "subject" "\\[users\\] *(.*)" {
deleteheader "Subject";
addheader "Subject" "${1}";
fileinto "Mail Lists.RPMForge";
Don't forget to enable the editheader extension in your configuration
using the sieve_extensions setting.