On 07/24/2012 02:06 PM, Markus Schönhaber wrote:
24.07.2012 11:57, Arnaud Abélard:

- With greylisting we aren't rejecting potentially spammy mails, we are
rejecting misbehaving servers. That's important, legally speaking. We
could be in trouble if we rejected an important mail by mistake when our
server actually accepted it.

That's something which is not greylisting-specific at all. You must not
accept mail you are unwilling or unable to deliver - ever!

That's my point. Greylisting screens bad behaviored servers away and if a mail is accepted it will be delivered. If it's detected as a potential spam, it will still be delivered to the end user with a proper tag in the subject.

From what I just read, it seems that indeed postscreen could be an alternative for that purpose.

But screening solutions aren't enough since a lot of unwanted mails are sent from legit RFC compliant servers:

- newsletters from sites the users provided their email to and forgot they did.

- digital prospecting which is legal if properly done (in France, it must be related to your professionnal field of activity and an unsubscribe link must be provided)

- phishing and scams sent from stolen webmail accounts.

Greylisting and DNSBL aren't really useful for any of those, only content analysis will catch them and that's the hard part. Bayesian and markovian filters need training and corrections. Spamassassin rules needs to be added every few weeks, etc.

I kind of like how pyzor and razor work but those are rather slow and tend to use too much CPU. Anyone here who had a good experience with those?


Creating bounces will make you a source of backscatter and get you
blacklisted, eventually.
("Outgoing" mail is a different matter, of course)

But that doesn't mean that greylisting is the only means for fighting
spam that is compliant to the above rule. It's, for example, not
uncommon to have things like milters or pre-queue filters pipe the
incoming mail through a spam checker and accept or reject the mail -
during the SMTP dialogue - depending on the result of the check.

Arnaud Abélard (jabber: arnaud.abel...@univ-nantes.fr)
Administrateur Système - Responsable Services Web
Direction des Systèmes d'Informations
Université de Nantes
ne pas utiliser: trapem...@univ-nantes.fr

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