* fy <f...@5dshu.com>:
> what anti-spam for you used ? dspam?spammassian? amavisd-new ? what is
> best ?

The best goes like this:

1. Decide if the SMTP client should be allowed to connect to the server
2. Decide if the client should be allowed to send the message
3. Decide if the message should be allowed to reach the recipient

For 1 use e.g. 'postscreen' in Postfix.
For 2 use SMTP session filters e.g. smtpd_..._restrictions in Postfix
For 3 use a combination of content filters like SpamAssassin, ClamAV etc. In
case you need to build some content policies e.g. "recipient A may receive
message, messages should never be spam filtered for B and C ..." around the
filters use amavisd-new, the content filter framework. It also brings features
to manage filtered content e.g. quarantine, copy etc.


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