Am 24.07.2012 10:41, schrieb fy:
> 于 2012/7/24 16:29, Robert Schetterer 写道:
>> Am 24.07.2012 10:22, schrieb fy:
>>> 于 2012/7/24 15:16, Arnaud Abélard 写道:
>>>> On 07/24/2012 06:49 AM, Noel Butler wrote:
>>>>> On Tue, 2012-07-24 at 11:58 +0800, fy wrote:
>>>>>> what anti-spam for you used ? dspam?spammassian? amavisd-new ?
>>>>>> what is
>>>>>> best ?
>>>>> amavisd-new with spamassassin and anti virus scanner, clamav with
>>>>> sanesecurity rules
>>>>> use enforcing rules in mail server, like block hosts with no DNS/rDNS
>>>>> Enforce SPF, publish SPF with hardfail
>>>>> use DNSBL's in your mail server, spamhaus, spamcop, spam.sorbs, and
>>>>> more etc.
>>>>> milter regex to stop dynamic/suspect hosts
>>>> And first of all, even if this is not dovecot related, use a
>>>> greylisting solution.
>>>>> There is no one solution, the solution, is a box of many tricks
>>>>> You might get the odd false blocking, but if system opers can not be
>>>>> bothered running a compliant network with standardised naming
>>>>> conventions for servers, then it is not my problem, and we have had
>>>>> very
>>>>> very very few complaints about this type of policy in over a
>>>>> decade. If
>>>>> someoine sooks to you, educate them, dont whitelist them.
>>>> Indeed! Fighting spam is a continuous task. While greylisting will cut
>>>> down the amount of spam by more than 50%, the remaining 50% will give
>>>> you the hardest time and will keep changing to bypass your rules.
>>>> You'll need to keep an eye on the flow of false negatives or false
>>>> positive you are getting...
>>>> We (72,000 mailboxes) are currently using amavisd-new with
>>>> spamassassin and CRM114 via a custom plugin instead of the default
>>>> bayesian filter. Also like Noel, we're using DNSBLs, SPF (although we
>>>> had to publish a permissive record since some of our users are using
>>>> their ISP smtp instead of our own).
>>>> Arnaud
>>> try slockd ,it is a policy server for postfix
>> sadly there is only poor english info
> Download the file for slockd and unzie it . see INSTALL and README files
> .it's easy use and install .

done , nice tool

Best Regards
MfG Robert Schetterer

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