On 07/24/2012 06:49 AM, Noel Butler wrote:
On Tue, 2012-07-24 at 11:58 +0800, fy wrote:
what anti-spam for you used ? dspam?spammassian? amavisd-new ? what is
best ?
amavisd-new with spamassassin and anti virus scanner, clamav with
sanesecurity rules
use enforcing rules in mail server, like block hosts with no DNS/rDNS
Enforce SPF, publish SPF with hardfail
use DNSBL's in your mail server, spamhaus, spamcop, spam.sorbs, and
more etc.
milter regex to stop dynamic/suspect hosts
And first of all, even if this is not dovecot related, use a greylisting
There is no one solution, the solution, is a box of many tricks
You might get the odd false blocking, but if system opers can not be
bothered running a compliant network with standardised naming
conventions for servers, then it is not my problem, and we have had very
very very few complaints about this type of policy in over a decade. If
someoine sooks to you, educate them, dont whitelist them.
Indeed! Fighting spam is a continuous task. While greylisting will cut
down the amount of spam by more than 50%, the remaining 50% will give
you the hardest time and will keep changing to bypass your rules. You'll
need to keep an eye on the flow of false negatives or false positive you
are getting...
We (72,000 mailboxes) are currently using amavisd-new with spamassassin
and CRM114 via a custom plugin instead of the default bayesian filter.
Also like Noel, we're using DNSBLs, SPF (although we had to publish a
permissive record since some of our users are using their ISP smtp
instead of our own).
Arnaud Abélard (jabber: arnaud.abel...@univ-nantes.fr)
Administrateur Système - Responsable Services Web
Direction des Systèmes d'Informations
Université de Nantes
ne pas utiliser: trapem...@univ-nantes.fr