On 3/1/2012 5:43 AM, Charles Marcus wrote:

> Obviously, I don't have the experience or expertise to answer these
> questions myself (never analyzed IMAP traffic to have an idea of the
> bandwidth each user uses, and probably wouldn't trust my efforts if I
> made the attempt). Hopefully, there are some people here who have a
> rough idea, which is why I brought this question up here.

Expanding on my previous statements, and hopefully answering some
questions here, or at least getting in the ballpark, lets see what a
single GbE link is capable of.

Let's assume an average transfer size of SMTP/IMAP email including
headers is roughly 4096 bytes, or 32768 bits.

TCP over GbE after all framing and protocol overhead
             = 992,697,000 bits/sec maximum bandwidth with jumbo frames
             = 941,482,000 bits/sec max without jumbo frames

We'll go without jumbo frames in our example.  Every GbE interface on
one router segment must support jumbo or you can't enable it.  If you
do, interfaces that don't do jumbo will have bad to horrible
performance, or maybe not work at all.  Many workstation NICs don't do
jumbo frames as well as many commercial routers.

Typical IMAP command payload is absolutely tiny, so we'll concentrate on
response traffic.  Theoretical steady state IMAP server to client 4KB
message transfer rates:

             =        28,731 msgs/sec
             =     1,723,905 msgs/minute
             =   103,434,301 msgs/hour
             = 2,482,423,242 msgs/day

General file transfer bandwidth, 5MB JPG:

             =            22 files/sec
             =         1,346 files/minute
             =        80,808 files/hour
             =     1,939,393 files/day

General file transfer bandwidth, 100MB TIFF:

             =             1 files/sec
             =            67 files/minute
             =         4,040 files/hour
             =        96,969 files/day

General file transfer bandwidth, 500MB video file:

             =       1 files 4.5  seconds
             =      10 files 44.6 seconds
             =     100 files 7.4  minutes

As you can see, a single GbE interface has serious capacity and will
probably easily carry your inter-site traffic without needing duplicate
servers at the second site.  You mentioned putting multiple GbE
interfaces on your servers.  Very, very few servers *need* 900+ Mb/s of
bandwidth, however having two links is good for redundancy.  So I'd not
worry about the aggregation performance, only the proper and seamless
failover functionality.

I obviously haven't seen your workflows Charles, but I recall you do a
lot of media work.  By 'you' I mean Media Brokers.  So obviously your
users will be hitting the network harder than average office workers.
I'm taking that into account.

My gut instinct, based on experience and the match, is that a single GbE
inter site MAN link will be plenty, without the need to duplicate server
infrastructure.  Again, have a qualified network architect sniff your
current network traffic patterns, and discuss with you the anticipated
user traffic at the 2nd site to determine your average and peak
inter-site b/w needs.  The average will absolutely be much less than
1Gb/s, but the peak may be well above 1Gb/s.  You can still avoid the
myriad problems/costs of server duplication without incurring
significant additional link costs.  There are a couple of options that
should be available to you:

1.  A second fiber pair and GbE link
    You might negotiate a burst contract.  You pay a flat monthly
    rate for a base bit rate of X and pay extra for bursts.  Burst
    contract availability will depend on the provider's network
    topology.  If at any point they're aggregating multiple customer's
    traffic on a single trunk fiber pair a burst contract should be
    available.  Burst contract allow them to oversubscribe their trunks,
    just as ISPs and broadband providers do.  Your network architect
    should be able to assist you in figuring out what you'd want
    for your base and peak bit rates for such a contract.  Why pay for
    1000Mb/s from 8pm to 6am if you're only using 20Kb/s?

2.  Add a second GbE link on a different transceiver wavelength using a
    prism on each end to transmit both links on one fiber pair.  This
    is typically cheaper when the provider has limited fiber runs in a
    given area or to a given building.  You may or may not be able to
    save money with a burst contract in this scenario.  Talk to your
    provider and find out what your options are.  Wait until your
    architect has finished your network analysis before speaking to
    the provider.

Treat this link as a traditional WAN link.  Do NOT treat it as simply
another switch segment.  Put an IP router on each side of the GbE MAN
link and create a separate IP subnet for hosts and devices in the new
office.  By doing this you keep broadcast traffic from traversing the
link.  This includes things like ARP discovery, DHCP, NTP broadcast, and
most importantly:  broadcast traffic from disk imaging software.  If you
don't make this an IP routed link, network disk imaging traffic will
traverse the MAN link just as it traverses your entire switched LAN.
This could be anywhere from 25-80MB/s (200-640Mb/s) of broadcast
traffic.  You obviously don't want this clogging the link.  You *might*
be able to eliminate broadcast traffic using special VLAN configurations
on sufficiently advanced layer2-7 "switch routers", but it's cheaper and
fool proof when done with standard IP routers.  Again, chat with your

With this being a routed connection, and broadcast traffic being
eliminated, any services that rely on broadcast traffic will need to be
duplicated or tweaked accordingly.  You will need a DHCP server in the
new office.  The router should be able to serve DHCP, unless you're
currently serving some custom scope it can't handle.  If you rely on
broadcast for WINS, or have any other Microsoft services that rely on
broadcast, you will need to address those.  If you currently use NTP
broadcast for time updates you'll need another NTP server in the new
office.  Again, the router should be able to broadcast NTP updates.  The
solutions to these things have been around forever, so I'm not going to
go into all of them, but you need to be aware.  You'll need to discuss
these things with your network architect or a qualified Microsoft
consultant.  If you run no MS servers and don't use broadcast, then no
need to worry about.  And hooray for you, no MS! :)

This may be of interest given the topic.  At a previous $dayjob a few
years back, we ran the traffic of about 580 desktops/wireless laptops
through a single GbE uplink into an 11 blade server farm backed by a
small fiber channel SAN.  Blade-blade IP traffic was through a dedicated
14x6 port GbE switch module, so things like vmotion, backups, etc worked
at full boogie.  But the uplink from the switch module in the
BladeCenter to the Cisco 5000 core switch was a single copper GbE
uplink.  All user traffic flowed over this link.  We never had
performance issues.  We'd configured QOS to keep the IP phones happy but
that's about it for traffic shaping.  Before I left I jacked in a 2nd
GbE uplink for redundancy and configured Cisco's link aggregation
protocol.  We didn't notice a performance difference.  I could have
aggregated 6 GbE uplinks.  One did the job, two gave resiliency, more
would have just wasted ports on the core switch.

Hope you find this educational/informational/useful Charles, and maybe


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