On 2012-02-27 1:34 PM, Sven Hartge <s...@svenhartge.de> wrote:
Charles Marcus<cmar...@media-brokers.com> wrote:
Each location is an entire floor of a 6 story building. The remote
location has the capacity for about 60 users, the new location about
100. We only allow IMAP access to email, so if everyone is using email
at the same time, that would be a lot of traffic over a single Gb link
I think...
Naa, most clients download mails only once and then keep them cached
locally (at least Thunderbird and Outlook do).
Looking at the used bandwidth of the mailserver of my small university
(10.000 users, about 1000 concurrently active during the daytime)
shows a steady amount of roughly 5MBit/s with peaks to 10MBit/s in and
Interesting - thanks for the numbers...
But, again, my main reason for 2 servers is not performance, it is for
Best regards,