On 01/05/2012 03:36 AM Noel Butler wrote:

> Because with multiple servers, we store them all in (replicated)
> mysql :)  (the same with postfix/dovecot).
> and as I'm sure you are aware, Apache does not understand standard
> crypted MD5, hence why there is the second option of apache_md5_crypt()

Oh, let me guess: You are using Windows, Netware, TPF as OS for your
web servers? ;-)

man htpasswd | grep -- '-d  '
       -d     Use crypt() encryption for passwords. This is not supported by 
the httpd server on Windows and Netware and TPF.

As you may have seen in my previous mail, the password is generated
using crypt(). HTTP Authentication works with that password hash, even
with the httpd from the ASF.

The trapper recommends today: cafefeed.1200...@localdomain.org

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