On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 11:39 AM, Timo Sirainen <t...@iki.fi> wrote:
> On Mon, 2011-11-14 at 10:23 -0800, Mark Moseley wrote:
>> > Thanks to a fortuitously unrelated thread ("how to disable quota for
>> > second namespace"), I got the quota part figured out and that seems to
>> > be working: Add a second entry to plugin {}, e.g. "quota2 =
>> > maildir:Archive quota:ns=INBOX.Archives." and add rules for
>> > userdb_quota2_rule, userdb_quota2_rule2, etc.
>> >
>> > My real question now is: Are there any fatal gotchas in this that I'm
>> > just not thinking of?
>> >
>> Haven't had a chance to try this large-scale yet. Anybody have any
>> thoughts on it?
> The gotcha is that you have two completely independent quotas with
> independent usage/limits for the INBOX and Archive namespaces. If that
> is what you want, it should all be fine.

Nope, that's totally fine. The idea is to put Archive on cheaper
(slower) storage and then grant more generous quotas there to make it
worth their while to use, without slowing down their Inbox. Another
application would be to put their Spam in another namespace (for
people who choose to have it put in a separate folder) with a lower
quota, again to offload it onto cheaper storage, since hardly anyone
actually looks at it.

Or is this something that I could be doing more transparently in 2.1 with imapc?

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