El 29/08/11 05:26, Timo Sirainen escribió:
On Fri, 2011-08-26 at 13:01 +0200, Angel L. Mateo wrote:
El 25/08/11 12:10, Timo Sirainen escribió:
On 25.8.2011, at 13.04, Angel L. Mateo wrote:

Aug 24 23:07:32 myotis28 dovecot: auth-worker(default): LDAP: Connection lost 
to LDAP server, reconnecting

        I have seen in the mail list a patch for 1.2 
(http://hg.dovecot.org/dovecot-1.2/rev/355d5a40f7a7) to ignore these logs when 
the disconnection is because of idle timeouts. As far as I could see in this 
patch and 2.0.13 source code, this patch is already applied in 2.0. So I guess 
that the disconnection is for other problem, isn't it?

I had completely forgotten I had added such a feature :) See what it logs with 
attached patch.

        I have tried the patch. It confirms my hypothesis, the connection is
closed by my load balancer:

Aug 26 12:55:27 myotis31 dovecot: auth: Error: LDAP: Connection lost to
LDAP server, reconnecting (1 requests, 3603 idle secs)

Ah. So this is noticed only when Dovecot tries to use the LDAP
connection that it's been disconnected.

        Is there any way to configure ldap connection with a keepalive, so I
don't need a reconnection?

Nope. But you could configure your LDAP server to idle-disconnect after
some amount of time.

I know it, but configuring LDAP server does not resolve the problem, because the error (in fact it's just an informational message) still appears.

I think the solution is to configure the dovecot auth_cache_ttl to a value less than the idletimeout of the ldap server.

Angel L. Mateo Martínez
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