El 25/08/11 12:10, Timo Sirainen escribió:
On 25.8.2011, at 13.04, Angel L. Mateo wrote:

Aug 24 23:07:32 myotis28 dovecot: auth-worker(default): LDAP: Connection lost 
to LDAP server, reconnecting

        I have seen in the mail list a patch for 1.2 
(http://hg.dovecot.org/dovecot-1.2/rev/355d5a40f7a7) to ignore these logs when 
the disconnection is because of idle timeouts. As far as I could see in this 
patch and 2.0.13 source code, this patch is already applied in 2.0. So I guess 
that the disconnection is for other problem, isn't it?

I had completely forgotten I had added such a feature :) See what it logs with 
attached patch.

I have tried the patch. It confirms my hypothesis, the connection is closed by my load balancer:

Aug 26 12:55:27 myotis31 dovecot: auth: Error: LDAP: Connection lost to LDAP server, reconnecting (1 requests, 3603 idle secs)

Is there any way to configure ldap connection with a keepalive, so I don't need a reconnection?

Angel L. Mateo Martínez
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