Was this using imap or pop3?

I haven't looked at how imap works.

But if your using pop3, set pop3_uidl_format correctly.
If your deleting or purging the index files and have it set to
anything other than %f or %Mf it probably won't work so well.

Quoting The Doctor <doc...@doctor.nl2k.ab.ca>:

Anyone seen this before?

----- Forwarded message from i...@shaw.ca -----

X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.3.2 (2011-06-06) on doctor.nl2k.ab.ca
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To: "Dr. Inder P Singh" <i...@sbifinechemicals.com>,
        "Dave Shariff Yadallee -  System Administrator a.k.a. The Root of the
        Problem" <r...@doctor.nl2k.ab.ca>
Subject: Repeat mails. INC000023456674
From: i...@shaw.ca
Date: Tue, 9 Aug 2011 19:17:34 +0000
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According to RIM your server is probably changing the assigned
serial number or code to mails frequently and because of that
Blackberry server takes the same mail as new one and draws again.
Read attached link.
Sent wirelessly from my BlackBerry device on the Bell network.
Envoyé sans fil par mon terminal mobile BlackBerry sur le réseau de Bell.

-----Original Message-----
From: BlackBerry Customer Support <h...@blackberry.com>
Date: Tue, 09 Aug 2011 19:07:30
To: <i...@shaw.ca>
Reply-to: BlackBerry Customer Support <h...@blackberry.com>
Subject: INC000023456674

Hello Dr. Inder,

Thank you for contacting BlackBerry Customer Support.

Here is a link to a relevant article in our BlackBerry Technical
Solution Center:

Article Title: Duplicate e-mail messages are received on the
BlackBerry smartphone
Article Number: KB13528
Link: http://www.blackberry.com/btsc/KB13528

I have included below the pieces of information relating to the
duplicate or changing IDs of the emails.

Cause 8
The BlackBerry Internet Service downloads any email message with an
email message UID that it did not find during the previous
connection. If the email message UIDs are changed by the messaging
server, duplicate email messages are received. This behavior also
applies to any email message that has a blank UID.

Resolution 8
To resolve this issue, complete one of the following procedures.

Make sure that the message UIDs of email messages on the integrated
account messaging server do not change or that email messages are
not added back to the inbox of the associated account. Ask your
administrator if the message UIDs are changing. In the case of an
email message that has a blank UID, have your administrator remove
the email message from the email server to prevent it from being
delivered repeatedly.
Delete email messages from the BlackBerry smartphone using the
Mailbox & Handheld setting (email messages will be deleted from the
associated email account messaging server and will not be retrieved
again by the BlackBerry Internet Service). For instructions, see

Should you require further information on this subject, please don't
hesitate to contact us. Thank you again for contacting us Dr.. Inder.


BlackBerry Customer Support
Research In Motion Limited
 NA Toll Free: 1-877-255-2377
 UK Toll Free: 0808 100 7466
 Europe: +44 1753 558400
 Worldwide: +1-519-888-6181
Email: h...@blackberry.com
Web: www.blackberry.com

***Now Available - BlackBerry Training for BlackBerry Enterprise
Server software administrators. For information about current course
offerings, please visit www.blackberry.com/go/training.

Introducing the world???s first professional-grade tablet.

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Member - Liberal International  This is doc...@nl2k.ab.ca Ici
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