
> > Sorry, but now i went into another problem: for _normal_ mailboxes of
> > type name1-na...@domain.tld, no mail will be delivered. lmtp said "User
> > doesn't exist" - lmtp is looking of user "na...@domain.tld".
> >
> > Is it possible, that for mails, whose local-part contains the
> > recipient_delimeter, lmtp first checks existence of a user with full
> > local part address and afterward, if no user was found, checks local part
> > without extension?
> Possible? Yes. Do I want to add such code? Not really. It'll just slow down
> deliveries for most other people.
> > All my problems concerning the recipient parameter are the result of
> > changing mailsystem from qmail+vpopmail (with default mail extension
> > settings) to postfix+dovecot+lmtp (with non standard
> > recipient_delimeter). Maybe you think, thats a very special situation and
> > theres no sense in implementing that to dovecot. that would be ok too.
> I wonder if you could do that address rewriting in SMTP server before
> handing the mail over to Dovecot. So that Dovecot only sees
> user+detail@domain.

maybe i missunderstood, but the real mailbox name is name-detail@domain and 
thats what dovecot sees. so i don't know, what rewriting to do.


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