
I have running dovecot 2.0.9.

I want to deliver mail with rcipient prameter "-", we spoked about that at 
thread "LMTP with address extension" and after your patch and version 2.0.8 
that works. 

But now, there's an another much greater problem. No mails to adresses, which 
domain-part contains an "-" sign wil be delivered (i.e. 
t...@aku-punkt-berlin.de). lmtp is looking about the user "test@aku" instead 
of "t...@aku-punkt-berlin.de" and the following logentries appears:

Feb  3 10:46:36 vserver08 dovecot: auth: Debug: sql(test@aku): 
SELECT '/var/vmail/' || maildir as home, '5000' AS uid, '5000' AS 
gid, '*:bytes=' || quota  as quota_rule FROM mailbox WHERE username 
= 'test@aku' and active = true

Feb  3 10:46:36 vserver08 dovecot: auth: sql(test@aku): Unknown user


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