Timo, thanks for the example I will use that for what I'm trying to

As for multiple shared namespaces if I have two shared namespaces in dovecot
2.x the second shared namespace never works. For example if the 1st shared
namespace is 

namespace {
  type = shared
  separator = /
  prefix = domain1.com/%%u/
  location =
  subscriptions = no
  ##list = children
  list = yes

this will work perfectly, users in domain1.com will create a shared folder
and those users in domain1.com will see the share in the subscription
options (thunderbird/squirrelmail etc) under

However when I create another shared namespace like the one below users in
domain2.com never get to see the shared folder they just see domain2.com/%u

namespace {
  type = shared
  separator = /
  prefix = domain2.com/%%u/
  location =
  subscriptions = no
  ##list = children
  list = yes

It's not a big deal now that I know I can use your method above but I was
wondering if you have any thoughts

Thanks again, Paul

-----Original Message-----
From: dovecot-bounces+razor=meganet....@dovecot.org
[mailto:dovecot-bounces+razor=meganet....@dovecot.org] On Behalf Of Timo
Sent: Friday, January 28, 2011 1:02 PM
To: PA
Cc: 'Dovecot Mailing List'
Subject: Re: [Dovecot] dovecot ACL

On Fri, 2011-01-28 at 09:59 -0500, PA wrote:
> Timo thanks for the reply. To do what your suggested I would need a
> user_query for that domain correct? Ex: WHERE userid = '%u...@domain1.com'.
> Also how would I override the mail_plugins setting, can you give me an
> example, the example on the URL below doesn't make that clear to me.

Something like:

user_query = SELECT if('%d'='domain1.com', 'quota imap_quota acl imap_acl',
null) as mail_plugins, ..etc..

> Also I was trying to have 2 shared namespaces which would have been ideal,
> why allowing any user to share a folder it wouldn't work unless the from
> path is listed on the location field but it looks like I can't have more
> than one shared namespace is this correct?

"from path"? I haven't tried more than one shared namespace, but I don't
really see why it couldn't work.

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