I think I figured it out but im still having an issue. If location = maildir:/var/vmail/domain1.com/%%u and that's the only domain that can share folders, domain2/3.com will not be able to share anything. If location = maildir:/var/vmail/%%d/%%u then all domains will be able to see and share folders.
However if for add another share for domain2.com namespace { type = shared separator = / prefix = domain1.com/%%u/ location = maildir:/var/vmail/domain1.com/%%u:CONTROL=/var/vmail/%d/controlprivate/%%u: INDEX=/var/vmail/%d/sharedindexprivate/%%u subscriptions = no ##list = children list = yes namespace { type = shared separator = / prefix = domain2.com/%%u/ location = maildir:/var/vmail/domain2.com/%%u:CONTROL=/var/vmail/%d/controlprivate/%%u: INDEX=/var/vmail/%d/sharedindexprivate/%%u subscriptions = no ##list = children list = yes when a user from domain 2 looks at the available folder subscriptions it doesn't see the shared folders just domain2.com/%u -----Original Message----- From: dovecot-bounces+razor=meganet....@dovecot.org [mailto:dovecot-bounces+razor=meganet....@dovecot.org] On Behalf Of PA Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2011 1:10 PM To: 'Dovecot Mailing List' Subject: [Dovecot] dovecot ACL Hi in Dovecot 2.x with virtual domains, is there a way specify what domains can create shared directories and who can't? For example I have 3 domains, domain1.com, domain2.com and domain3.com. Let's say I only want domain1.com's users to create shared folders how can I go about doing this. Thanks, Paul